#MaureenFryIsOnHerWay by Rachel Joyce

Ten years ago, Harold Fry set off on his epic journey on foot to save a friend. But the story doesn’t end there.

Now his wife, Maureen, has her own pilgrimage to make.

Maureen Fry has settled into the quiet life she now shares with her husband Harold after his iconic walk across England. Now, ten years later, an unexpected message from the North disturbs her equilibrium again, and this time it is Maureen’s turn to make her own journey.

But Maureen is not like Harold. She struggles to bond with strangers, and the landscape she crosses has changed radically. She has little sense of what she’ll find at the end of the road. All she knows is that she must get there.  


It was too early for birdsong.



(@penguinrandom, 20 October 2022, e-book, 144 pages, ARC from the publisher via @NetGalley)




I’ve enjoyed the authors other books so I couldn’t wait to read Maureen Fry and the Angel of North. It’s a short read but no less powerful than a tone two or three times the size. If you haven’t read Harold’s story this book won’t have the same impact. Everyone likes Harold when he goes on his pilgrimage. Maureen is not Harold, she’s prickly and unsociable and judgemental and I liked her all the more for this. She’s real. I liked this a lot.

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