New Digital Library Books 6 July 2016 UPDATED

15775830Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer

I’ve just read the first book in the chronicles, Cinder and loved it so couldn’t wait to read more of the series.

Judging by the cover this book may draw inspiration from Little Red Riding Hood. There is a character called Scarlet who seeks help from someone called Wolf…

I am now a fan of Marissa Meyer and look forward to reading more from this author.

17156312Running With Scissors: A Memoir by Augusten Burroughs

I read a non-fiction book every month. I tend to read true crime or memoirs.

This is my choice for July.

It sounds like a fun read.

Running with Scissors is the true story of a boy whose mother (a poet with delusions of Anne Sexton) gave him away to be raised by her psychiatrist, a dead-ringer for Santa and a lunatic in the bargain. Suddenly, at age twelve, Augusten Burroughs found himself living in a dilapidated Victorian in perfect squalor. The doctor’s bizarre family, a few patients, and a pedophile living in the backyard shed completed the tableau. Here, there were no rules, there was no school. The Christmas tree stayed up until summer, and Valium was eaten like Pez. And when things got dull, there was always the vintage electroshock-therapy machine under the stairs.

Running with Scissors is at turns foul and harrowing, compelling and maniacally funny. But above all, it chronicles an ordinary boy’s survival under the most extraordinary circumstances.

{9B244786-4982-410F-9C07-D9B46DE735A1}Img100.jpgThe Runaway Woman by Josephine Cox

I’m doing the Popsugar Reading Challenge for the second time.

I’m reading the books in category order.

This book is for the ‘A Book Recommended By A Family Member’ category.

I chose this book because my mother speaks highly of the author. I’ve never read her before and have no idea what I’m letting myself in for.


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