#TheEndofMagic by @markstay

Rosheen Katell and Sander Bree are two very different mages living in a world where magic is everything.

Embark on a thrilling journey with Rosheen Katell, a wandering mage known for her unwavering honesty, and Sander Bree, a royal mage living a life of privilege.

Rosheen has built her reputation on her honesty and her refusal to kill. Sander, a royal mage, lives a life of ease, advising the king on matters of state. But when a cataclysmic event brings an end to magic, their worlds are thrown into chaos.

Sander is forced to fulfil a promise that may be impossible to keep without magic, while Rosheen must align herself with a murderous warlord, putting her principles to the test. In a war unlike any other, they are set against each other in a battle for survival.


Rosheen was exhausted, sweaty and ready for a beer when a messenger from King Torren came begging for urgent assistance with the promise of abundant silver. (THE WITCH WHO LINKS SHE’S A WARLOCK)


(Unusually Tall Stories Ltd, 13 March 2019, e-galley, 390 pages, copy from the author)




I’m a huge fan of the author and wanted to read The End of Magic because I love reading Fantasy and it sounded very different than his other books. I really enjoyed this book. I really enjoyed the word building in the book which really brought the world and characters to life. This is well-written, engrossing fantasy at it’s best. I got so invested in the characters and events I didn’t want the book to end. This was an entertaining read. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it. I’m currently reading an ARC of the sequel, The End of Dragons.



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