#SlyAsAFox by @wlkoenig

Sylvia Wilson’s brother, Aaron, is working with a joint bank robbery task force. When he goes missing, she joins forces with the FBI to search for him.

But nothing is what it seems.

With very little time left, Sylvia will burn Heaven to the ground to find her missing brother and bring him back alive. FBI, be damned.


My cell phone’s light was bright in the dimness of the River City Casino ballroom. (1)


(Self-Published, 20 May 2024, e-galley, 266 pages, copy from @Bookgal)




I enjoyed the first book, On The Sly so was looking forward to reading Sylvia’s next adventure in Sly As A Fox. You don’t need to have read the first book to enjoy this. This time around, the FBI reach out to her because her brother, who’s working for them undercover has fallen off the radar. They don’t want her to get involved in looking for him and just want information from her. But Sylvia is stubborn and refuses to do what the FBI ask of her. Of course, this inevitably lands her in hot water. This is an engaging read, a well-written thriller with some great humour and characterisation. I’d recommend it.


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