All the Fiends of Hell by Adam L G Nevill

The red night of bells heralds global catastrophe. Annihilation on a biblical scale.

Seeing the morning is no blessing. The handful of scattered survivors are confronted by blood-red skies and an infestation of predatory horrors that never originated on earth. An occupying force intent on erasing the remnants of animal life from the planet.

Across the deserted landscapes of England, bereft of infrastructure and society, the overlooked can either hide or try to outrun the infernal hunting terrors. Until a rumour emerges claiming that the sea may offer an escape.

Ordinary, unexceptional, directionless Karl is one of the few who made it through the first night. In the company of two orphans, he flees south. But only into horrifying revelations and greater peril, where a transformed world and expanding race of ravening creatures await. Driven to the end of the country and himself, he must overcome alien and human malevolence and act in ways that were unthinkable mere days before.


Darling. It’s time.



(Ritual Limited, 2 April 2024, e-book, 393 pages, bought from AmazonKindle)




I’m a huge fan of the author and couldn’t wait to read All the Fiends of Hell. He’s one of the best horror writers around today and this dark, disturbing and utterly compelling novel proves it. The book is very dark as the sky turns red and strange creatures crawl over the earth seemingly determined to wipe humans off the face of the earth. I loved the fact the book focuses on a small cast of characters, Karl and the two orphans he saves as they try to survive in a horrifically altered world and work out who they can trust among the humans left. This a gripping read. I loved it.


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