The Bronze Horseman by @paullinasimons

Leningrad 1941: the white nights of summer illuminate a city of fallen grandeur whose beautiful palaces and stately avenues speak of a different age, when Leningrad was known as St Petersburg.

Two sisters, Tatiana and Dasha, share the same bed, living in one room with their brother and parents. It is a hard, impoverished life, yet the Metanovs know many who are not as fortunate as they.

The family routine is shattered on 22 June 1941 when Hitler invades Russia. For the Metanovs, for Leningrad and for Tatiana, life will never be the same again. On the fateful day, Tatiana meets a brash young officer named Alexander.

Tatiana and her family suffer as Hitler’s army advances on Leningrad, and the Russian winter closes in. With bombs falling and the city under siege, Tatiana and Alexander are drawn to each other in an impossible love. It is a love that could tear Tatiana’s family apart, a love that carries a secret that could mean death for anyone who hears it.

Confronted on the one hand by Hitler’s unstoppable war machine, and on the other by a Soviet system determined to crush the human spirit, Tatiana and Alexander are pitted against the very tide of history, at a turning point in the century that made the modern world.


LIGHT came through the window, tricking morning all over the room.

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(@HarperCollinsUK, 17 March 2009, e-book, 912 pages, borrowed from @GlasgowLib via @OverDriveInc, #POPSUGARReadingChallenge, a book by an author with the same initials as you)




I really loved The Bronze Horseman. I had no idea what the book was about when I decided to read it. I just chose the tile at random at it fit the Popsugar prompt. The book is set during WWII. I’ve read a lot of fiction set during WWII but mostly set in the UK and this book offered something a little different. I loved Tatiana and Alexander and their intense, seemingly hopeless love story kept me flicking through the pages. I also enjoyed reading a different take on WWII. I don’t think I’ve read a book set in Russia. The only criticism is that there are a large number of sex scenes much later in the book but the plot was so gripping this didn’t put me off.

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